Easily Add Remarketing Code to Your Site

Alot of people know how great Google Adwords Remarketing is but sometimes it can be difficult to get access to the site to paste the code in there.  Especially working with clients as they may not know that there are two different kinds of codes, one for Adwords, one for Analytics (never mind conversion tracking).  

Too Many Codes?

So, Google has tried to make things a little easier by allow you to adjust the Google Analytics (GA) code so that it can also be used as the Remarketing code.  This way its just one piece of code, not two.  Its pretty straightforward to do, just go to this link:  Set up Remarketing Lists in GA

This post isn't about setting up that code, its about a new feature that allows you to do this fast.  In the past, you had to chance one line of the code and that was it.  Not hard to do, but it was a big pain to get this across to the client or webmaster who was going to do this.  

New Options:

Now in GA, there's a number of options on the GA code that you can simply choose by clicking on the one you want:


Under Admin>Tracking Info there are now 4 options (See Picture):  Some are very cool like being able to track subdomains.  Just by clicking the button to "On" the code is updated and allows you to track across say for instance yourdomain.com & app.youdomain.com.  Nice.

For Remarketing you'll notice that there's a box for Display Advertiser Support.  If you're doing Remarketing you'll want to turn this on.  When you do your code is automatically adjusted to be able to track not only visitors to your site but also start building Remarketing lists.  Excellent!  Then in Adwords you can import your Remarketing lists from GA and you're good to go.

What does this mean for you?

 Instead of having to paste and keep track of two types of code, now its just one.  Also, for those of us with clients, we only have to ask them to adjust one piece of code.  If you're not using Google's Tag Manager, this is a nice alternative.  Also, when you're setting up a new client, make sure to make this change right from the outset so you're getting your Remarketing lists built from day 1.

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